The Basics

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What are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are a remarkable class of natural substances, often derived from plants and herbs, renowned for their unique ability to assist the body in adapting to various stressors and maintaining a state of balance, or homeostasis. These adaptable allies work by supporting the body's response to physical, mental, and emotional stress, helping to restore equilibrium and enhance overall resilience. Whether it's environmental challenges, emotional pressures, or physiological changes, adaptogens aid in regulating key systems like the adrenal glands and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Through their intricate interactions with these systems, adaptogens can mitigate the harmful effects of stress, promote energy and stamina, and foster a sense of calm and vitality. Whether consumed as supplements, teas, or incorporated into dietary practices, adaptogens exemplify nature's ingenious design to bolster our capacity to cope with life's demands and maintain optimal well-being.

How Do I Use Them?

Herbs can be taken two ways: in either their natural form, like the leaves and flowers we use for tea, or in a powdered extract form. Both are effective in their own right, and the choice just depends on what works best for your lifestyle. If you love a cup of hot tea, starting with loose blends will probably work best. If you're more of a smoothie & juice girly, our adaptogen powders are a great option to stir and go.

  • Adaptogen Powders
    Adaptogen powders are ground from dried herbs & roots. Add a teaspoon to your smoothie, juice, yogurt, latte, salad dressing, or any slightly thick liquid of choice! Stir in directly, or mix with a splash of water first
    for even easier blending.
  • Herbal Teas
    Our loose leaf teas are made from a combination of berries, leaves, roots, & petals. We recommend to simmer or steep in warm water to extract their healing properties.

How Much and How Often?

Adaptogens always work best when used consistently over time. Everyone's body and routines are different, so that that looks a little different for everyone. I always recommend as much consistency as possible with small breaks to let your body adapt and take inventory of how you feel. That routine might be every other day, aligning with a certain phase of your cycle, or a daily dose for long stretches with mini breaks in every few months. Finding a rhythm that works for you is integral in building an herbal practice, and there is truly no "right" answer.

Herbalism is a practice and a
unique journey for each individual, so the most significant results will
always come from developing a personal relationship with the herbs.
Notice the changes in your body as you take them in, and tailor your
dosage to what feels best for YOU. Our bodies are smart and will tell us
what they need, our only job is to listen.

*Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases. We recommend speaking with your medical provider before making any dietary changes, including adding supplements or teas to your regimen.It is not recommended to start any herbal regimen during pregnancy before speaking with your medical provider.

Can I Combine Blends?

The short answer is: yes. All of our blends are safe to take together - however, the tastes are slightly different! So take that into consideration when combining.

Personally, I think the flavors break down like this:
Sweet Spot Powder Fruity
Glow Up Powder Fruity
Calm TF Down Powder Cocoa-Ish
Brain Boost Powder Cocoa-ish
Happy Gut Powder Green

...Tell Me More

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Herbs for Anxiety

Adaptogens are a type of herb that help the body manage stress and restore balance to the body and brain - so if you've come to holistic healing for anxiety, youi're in the right place. When we are chronically stressed, our bodies go into "fight or flight" mode and increase the release of stress hormones like cortisol. Adaptogens help to slow the release of those stress hormones so that the body can use its energy to care for our cognitive health, vitality, hormone balance, immune systems, and all the subtler functions that keep us happy and healthy.

The most important thing to remember is that herbs are NOT the same as taking a xanax. They take time to alchemize in the body, which is what creates the stable, calm internal environment that we want long term. Patience and consistency are always key <3

Herbs for Hormone Balance

Hormones are like tiny keys floating through our bloodstream, connecting to any place in the body that has the right locks. Its how they manage to affect every part of our brain and body simultaneously - these chemical messengers play a huge role in regulating various bodily functions, from growth and metabolism to mood and reproduction.

Keeping hormones in harmony requires a mix of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, stress management, and (ofc) self-care.The calmer and more regulated our nervous systems are, the more clearly our hormones can communicate. Herbs like maca, reishi, and ashwaghanda help encourage our endocrine system to maintain healthy communication and function.

Herbs for Gut Health

Gut health is like the epicenter of our body's ecosystem, like a sweet + lush little garden. It's responsible for digestion, nutrient absorption, and even plays a role in our immune system. A diverse collection of microbes resides here, known as the gut microbiota. Herbs like ginger, chamomile, and nettle help the body maintain a healthy balance of those bacteria, which also have a strong connection to our mental well-being, affecting our mood and more.

The majority of the time we hear about gut related products, they are centered around DETOXING. This is part of a capitalistic interest in making the consumer feel like there is something wrong or broken about their body that needs to be fixed. The reality is your body is a finely tuned machine that is inherently capable of removing toxins, repairing tissue, and finding a healthy homeostasis. Our only job is to create the best environment for it to carry out its own healing abilities.

Herbs for Sexual Vitality

Herbs have long been celebrated for their potential to nurture and enhance sexual vitality within the body. With a rich history rooted in traditional medicine systems across cultures, these plants offer a holistic approach to supporting sexual well-being. Certain herbs, like ginseng and maca, are renowned for their adaptogenic properties, helping the body manage stress and promoting balanced hormone levels that are essential for a healthy libido. Additionally, herbs such as slippery elm and damiana are believed to encourage tissue hydration and bloodflow, contributing to enhanced arousal and heightened sensation. The potent antioxidants found in herbs like hibiscus and red raspberry may also play a role in promoting reproductive health and fertility. Whether ingested as tea or powder, these herbs serve as allies in fostering a harmonious connection between mind and body, cultivating a fulfilling and vibrant sexual life.

Herbs for Skin & Hair

Adaptogens are truly our secret skincare besties. Plants like hibiscus, rose, and nettle have been used for thousands of years as beauty remedies because of their super high vitamin + antioxidant content. Antioxidants stand as steadfast guardians of skin health, diligently safeguarding against the ravages of time and environmental stressors. These powerful compounds, found abundantly in sources such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs, work tirelessly to neutralize free radicals - the notorious culprits behind premature aging and skin damage. By mitigating oxidative stress, antioxidants help preserve collagen and elastin, the building blocks of youthful skin, promoting a smoother, more resilient complexion.