Cycle Syncing 101

( a guide to all the things )

What is Cycle Syncing?

Cycle syncing is the practice of aligning your diet, movement, & other self care practices with each phase of your menstrual cycle.

Why Sync?

As your body moves through each of the four phases, its nutrient & energy needs fluctuate. Every Cycle Syncing blend is mindfully crafted to give your body the support it needs.

Menstrual Phase: 3 to 7 days

The first phase of our cycle is the menstrual phase, or our actual period. Your body goes through an intense process as it sheds the lining of the uterus, so it’s important to consume nutrient-rich foods and grounding herbs during this phase. As your body loses blood, focus on the ones that are high in iron and zinc. Gentle exercise can help move energy through the body, but this isn’t the time for a big workout push. Warming foods and teas are also really beneficial.

Herbs: Red Raspberry, Chamomile, Ginger, Rose

Exercise: walking, stretching, yoga, mobility work

Foods: root vegetables, beetroot, dark greens, bone broth, mushroom, seaweeds, beans, cacao, miso

Follicular Phase: 7 to 10 days

As your bleed ends you enter into the follicular phase of the cycle, where the hormone estrogen gradually rises. We often feel a rise in energy during these days and it’s known as a time of creativity and new beginnings. It’s the time when you will most likely want to be more social, active and have the most energy for workouts and new projects. Take advantage of that energy rush and do! All! The! Things!

This is a great time for herbs like Schisandra and Dandelion that help strengthen lifeforce in the body. Fresh, lighter foods are ideal for this phase and will also keep you energised. All your hormone levels are at their lowest, so your body can  easily tolerate different types of food.

Herbs: Schisandra, Holy Basil, Dandelion

Exercise : higher energy workouts, heavier weights, cardio, HIIT

Foods: lots of vegetables - broccoli, carrot, parsley, lettuce, avocado, citrus fruits, olives, brazil nuts, cashews.

Ovulation Phase: 3 to 4 days

This is the time when many hormones reach their peak level and often women find they are at their peak in terms of energy, confidence and libido. The Ovulatory phase is a good time for communication and expressing yourself clearly - so it’s a great time for meaningful conversations or journaling.

Herbs like maca and cinnamon help the body optimize this time in our cycle and nurture our fertility in a holistic, gentle way. As estrogen levels are high, most women have more energy during these days. Sticking to lighter foods will help support this. 

Herbs: Schisandra, Holy Basil, Dandelion

Exercise : higher energy workouts, heavier weights, cardio, HIIT

Foods: lots of vegetables - broccoli, carrot, parsley, lettuce, avocado, citrus fruits, olives, brazil nuts, cashews.

Luteal Phase: 10 to 14 days

The Luteal Phase is when our bodies start to wind down for their next period. Progesterone gets released and estrogen decreases, which is more of the “mother earth” hormone, so we will naturally move towards nesting and looking inward. This is a great time to lean into extra self care and restorative movement as PMS will start to set in towards the end of this phase. Magnesium rich foods and herbs will help offset cramping and support sore muscles, and soothing herbs like Reishi and Ashwaghanda will help the body prepare for this period of rest.

Herbs: Reishi, Ashwaghanda, Ginger

Exercise: slower, more intentional movement like yoga, pilates, stability work

Foods: dark leafy greens, cabbage, cauliflower, collard, garlic, ginger, pumpkin, radish, squash, sweet potatoes, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds

What If My Cycle Is Irregular?

The length of a menstrual cycle can vary from 21-35 days. Tracking your cycle - by noting cravings, energy levels, cervical fluid, PMS symptoms, etc - can help you understand what is "normal" for you. If you are unsure, we recommend:

  • Week 1: Moon Phase
  • Week 2: Follicular Phase
  • Week 3: Ovulation Phase
  • Week 4: Luteal Phase

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